Minor Planet Center Users' Group (MPC MUG)

The MPC Users' Group is composed of representatives from the major NASA-funded NEO surveys, the NEO follow-up community, the dynamics community, and the simulations community. The MPC is looking for feedback from the MPC Users' Group that will:

  1. Guide improvements of the MPC and its processes and services for the current era, focusing primarily on the surveys and NEO follow-up operations.
  2. Help the MPC community get the most out of its collective resources, while meeting its main objectives.
  3. Best position the MPC and members of its community to cope with the increasing volume and velocity of data that will come from the expansion of current surveys.

Current Members          Log In


If you are interested in joining the MUG, please send an email to Elizabeth Warner.


  • Steve Chesley(Chair)
  • Larry Denneau (Vice-chair)
  • Tyler Linder
  • Rob Weryk
  • Davide Farnocchia
  • Mario Juric
  • Laura Faggioli
  • Joe Masiero
  • Carson Fuls
Ex Officio
  • Kelly Fast (HQ)
  • Gerbs Bauer (PDS-SBN)
  • Matthew Payne (MPC, Director)
  • Lindley Johnson
